Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Published Works

Saturday Boats

Yellow-gray sailboats
Caress the earth’s border
As bullet boats speed closer to the shoreline
Leaving gasoline fumes
To mix with their salty spray

Pleasure boats and single passenger kayaks
Slowly drift from sight as the Gulf
Casts ripples along the glistening
Sunlit blue surface
Like glitter sprinkled from the heavens

From the corner of my eye
I catch a glimpse of a police boat
Rounding the inlet leaving a bubbly path
As it speeds toward rescue
In the desolate enveloping limitless azure water

A balmy breeze soothes
My sultry skin as I sit ashore
Watching the blue herons
Scamper across the sand
In search of dinner

I listen as sounds blend and merge
Then slowly fade while the roar
Of a powerboat engine growls
Shoving its way through the
Gray-green waters

I am mesmerized by the boats
Drifting and bouncing atop
Gentle bumping waves
Swaying them to and fro
Like a jazzy rhythmic melody

Published Works

Storm From The Balcony

A dusk devoid of sunset,
An overhead grey dreariness
Coats my vision end-to-end
Yet lights twinkle afar
Reminders that in my solitary world
I am not alone;
Yet I bundle myself deeper
Into my fleecy warmth
Cowering down to my chin
And gaze across the stretch of
Watery immenseness before me
To the island beyond;
A sliver of golden lightning
Punctures the gloom,
Faint thunder tries to fight for control
Over the ripping wind
As it soughs through the phoenix palms
Around the concrete edges
Of the side-by-side variegated structures;
And within moments
The overhead lets loose its torrent
To pelt against the swaying branches
To drench the concrete below
As sheet lightning glows in the distance;
My windows are dappled
By fat raindrops
They ooze and smear rivulets downward;
The lightning intensity grows sporadic and jerky,
A light switch turning off and on
Without regularity
No pattern to fill the night sky
With brief irregular clarity
Even the thunder sounds lonely