Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Published Works


I've reached a time to indulge
The fantasies and night dreams
Make them real and live them out
In vivid raging colors
Just for me

Been around that proverbial block
A time or three and can tell the tales
That brought me here

I can reach the sky and yank the clouds down
To cover my sweat-soaked skin
From over-breathing, panting to regain control
Of my own destiny without interruption
To live beyond my years - for me

Seen some sights and known some folks
Would make your neck hairs rise
They touched me nonetheless

So now I'm on the edge
Of yesterday, between tomorrow and a future
Energized, motivated, yet circumspect
Aching to my core, for more
See me - It's still me

1 comment:

  1. Victoria,

    You are a beautiful writer. Congratulations on your new blog! Wow, you get things done! I love that. Great job.

    Jess Kennedy Williams
